Rooibos Desert Cream 60g

SKU: 0235


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Kevyt ja raikas

Täyteläinen ja pehmeä

Soft red nature's own health drink


You sit down in the evening after a long day, your favorite book is resting on the table, your favorite record is playing in the background, you have a cup of freshly brewed, reddish-brown Rooibos Desert Cream in your hand.

The rising vapor enchants your senses and leads you to the first sip..

The soft rich taste of red bush leaves, seasoned with pieces of strawberry and chamomile , finished with the aroma of vanilla cream and the petals of Tuhatkauno , dance in your mouth like a warm desert wind.

Each sip of this naturally caffeine-free and antioxidant health drink will take your body and mind to deeper and deeper relaxation, and finally lull you to sleep until the morning sun wakes you up..

Instead of morning coffee, you can enjoy the leftover rooibos as a refreshing iced tea and start your day without caffeine-induced hyperactivity and stomach problems.

If only every day was like this..

Well, what are you waiting for?

Try Rooibos Desert Cream today, allow yourself a moment away from the hectic everyday life and say goodbye to caffeine cramps and an overactive mind.

P.S. With this amount of antioxidants, Takuu keeps your metabolism in good condition and can even slow down aging. Rooibos' anti-cancer properties have also been studied, so at least you won't harm yourself by enjoying rooibos tea!

1 tl / 2 dl 90-100°C n. 5 min

Rooibos on ei kitkeröidy, vaa sen maku tulee täyteläisemmäksi mitä pidempään hauduttaa!

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Customer Reviews

Based on 6 reviews
Juha Hörhä
Loistava rooibos

Aavikkokerma on todella loistava rooibos. Hyvä ja vahva maku, todellinen karkki!

voin suositella

niin hyvää! hellii jotenkin lämpimästi mieltä ja kehoa. <3 sopii kahvin korvikkeeksi kun vähentää kahvinjuontia.

Anita Raitanen
Rooibos Aavikkokerma

Hyvänmakuinen ja -tuoksuinen tee, sopii kofeiinittomana enemmän kuin hyvin illan lämmikkeeksi.

Merja Jämsén

Mites näistä nyt on hävinnyt se monien kohkaama sammakkomerkki

Leena M.

….lämpimästi! Ihana yrtijuoma, joka tekee hyvää niin mielelle kuin kehollekin.