
3 products

A tea strainer is an important part of tea preparation, and with the right equipment you will surely get the best possible cup of tea.

Here you can find traditional ball strainers with a handle and chain, or convenient basket strainers that go into a mug or pan. When choosing a strainer, you should pay particular attention to the amount of tea to be brewed and the material of the strainer.

Showing 1 - 3 of 3 products
Easy teesihti Kuluttajatarvike Forsman TeeEasy teesihti Kuluttajatarvike Forsman Tee
Easy tea strainer
Varrellinen teepallo Kuluttajatarvike Forsman Tee 5cm
A stemmed tea ball
Teekuula ketjulla Kuluttajatarvike Forsman Tee
Tea ball with a chain

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