9 products
Genuine Matcha - Health from nature
Matcha is finely ground tea leaves.
Forsman's matcha is imported directly from local Japanese farmers and is a real health bomb. Matcha gets its health effects thanks to its production process. Matcha leaves are protected from sunlight three weeks before harvesting. Thanks to the shade, a lot of amino acids and leaf green (chlorophyll) are formed in the tea leaves. In addition, matcha contains catechins and stimulating alkaloids such as L-theanine and caffeine. In matcha, the health effects are at their best, because you drink the whole leaf! One cup of matcha is equivalent to up to seven cups of regular green tea!
Matcha is prepared in a matcha bowl using a traditional bamboo whisk. A whisk is an essential tool, as it breaks up the clumps that easily form in matcha and gives the finished tea its beautiful, signature foam. Check out our video to see how Aarne and Jaleh prepared matcha!
Our selection includes matcha in different quality categories. Always choose matcha according to your own purpose. The coarsest quality, Chinese organic matcha , is best suited for baking and as a food supplement. The highest and most valued quality is the first-harvest, spring PF1 matcha, which is made using traditional Uij methods at the Hatani farm in Kyoto.