The Rose of Friendship Tea Rosary

SKU: V6358


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Kevyt ja raikas

Vahva ja pehmeä

A rose that does not wither away

The Friendship Rose is hand-braided from green tea in the shape of a rosette. The freshest buds of the tea bush are used for production.

On the palate, a wonderfully fresh and lemony ensemble. When brewed, the tea ball opens up into a lovely tea rose doll, with a red/white flower revealed inside. We recommend making the tea rosette in a transparent cup or pan, so you can see the opening of the rosette best.

PS: On Valentine's Day, give the gift of a rose that doesn't wither!

Chinese green tea, dried flowers, natural aroma.

1 ruusuke / 3 dl 80°C 4-10 min

Hauduta lasisessa astiassa. Ruusukkeen voi myös jättää kuppiin ja siitä riittää makua useampaankin haudutukseen.

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