Pu-Erh Oolong 60g

SKU: 0201


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Chinese health tea from the region of six tea mountains

Spiced Pu Erh, paired with green Oolong and popular mate. A health tea originating from the Yunnan region, the cradle of the "six tea mountains". Pu Erh is its own kind of tea - so it is not black tea.

The drink itself is a little invigorating, because tea always contains a little caffeine, i.e. tein. In terms of its taste, it is strong, but unlike other Puh Erh tea qualities, it is fresh! The freshness comes from the mate, green oolong and natural lemon oil contained in Pu'erh Oolog.

The peculiar name of Pu'Erhi comes from a tea-producing town in southwest China. In fact, genuine Pu'Erh tea can only come from that area in Yunnan province. All other post-fermented tea is generally Hei Chaa, i.e. dark tea. Pu'Erh is also Hei Chaa. In the same way, real champagne can only come from France, the province of Champange.

Pu'Erh Oolong tea base - Pu'Erh itself is completely non-oxidized tea, which is then aged and post-oxidized. It brings a distinctive dark taste to Pu'Erh teas.

Pu'erh has been used many times, e.g. as an aid in weight management and in general to support digestion and metabolism. It has also been found to have beneficial effects to support lowering cholesterol!

P.S. The tea itself originally comes from the birthplace of Pu'erh, so it is one of the oldest types of tea. Forsman's Pu'erh oolong is suitable for e.g. on the side of heavy meat dishes or for recovery after a hard day's work.

Pu Erh, green oolong, mate and natural lemon oil.

1tl / 2dl 90-100°C 4-10 min

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Eero Kaarnisto
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Pu-Erh Oolong 60g