Fair trade Rooibos Vanilla 60g

SKU: 0403


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A complete combination of Fair Trade rooibos and vanilla!

Rooibos Vanilla is a bright soft red herbal tea. In terms of taste, the soft natural vanilla aroma supports the nutty taste of Rooibos chocolate. This flavor combination just can't go wild.

Rooibos herbal tea is a naturally caffeine-free drink. It grows in harsh conditions and gathers its unique flavor from the desert-like growth environment.

Fair trade Rooibos is a responsible choice. This drink comes to us directly from the producers (Carmien's farm, Pardecop's farm) and we checked the working conditions ourselves at the turn of 2019-2020. Check out photos from the trip on our social media .

Rooibos has a long tradition in African culture and has been considered a very healthy drink. Due to its high antioxidant content, it is said to invigorate metabolism and prevent aging. The roots of the rooibos bush (Asphatus linearis) reach a depth of more than two meters, and from there it also collects a significant amount of important minerals such as iron and magnesium.

Rooibos does not become bitter when brewed for a long time, so it is very easy to prepare. You can also make a delicious iced tea out of it. Vanilla Ice Tea recipe:

  • 5 tablespoons of rooibos tea
  • 1.5 l of cold water
  • A squeeze of lemon juice
  • Sweeten to taste with stevia or sugar
  • *Vitonen's tip, with Vanilija or vanillin sugar you can get a boosted vanilla taste😉 Let it brew in cold water for at least an hour, add ice and serve, yum!

1 tl / 2 dl 90°C väh. 5 min

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FSSC 22000

For us, the safety of our products and the well-being of nature are key, that's why all our tea is organically cultivated.
- Read more about our responsible production...

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Customer Reviews

Based on 3 reviews
Leena H.

Keskinkertainen, ehkä vähän laimea maku. Mukana joukossa valkoisia ”palasia”, vaniljaa??
Voisiko olla lisää makuvaihtoehtoja rooibos-teelaatuihin? Suklaa-, appelsiini- yms.? Iloisten rouvien tee - superhyvä!!



Tiina R.
Ihanan pehmeä maku!

Ihanan pehmeä maku!