Matcha Chinese organic 40g

SKU: 0567


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Healthy green tea powder

Chinese 100% Organic matcha is an excellent price-quality alternative to Japanese matcha. This powder made from green tea leaves contains a significant amount of antioxidants and vitamin C. In addition, it is also rich in L-theanine. L-theanine helps to concentrate, i.e. improves concentration.

All green teas contain caffeine, including our matcha. On the other hand, when talking about green tea, we are not talking about caffeine, but theine, which is the equivalent of caffeine in tea. In any case, the silence of teini is longer and calmer than that of caffeine. Matcha is suitable for those of you who want a boost and a sharp focus.

Chinese matcha is suitable both as a drink and as iced tea. The most discerning matcha enthusiasts, however, wean it as it is, but the average tea drinker does not clearly distinguish the difference between Japanese and Chinese matcha. If you are interested in our other matcha qualities, you should also check out the selection of Japanese matchas.

  • two teaspoons of matcha
  • Juice of half a lemon
  • About 0.5 liters of cold water
Stir and enjoy. Add a lemon slice and ice. The open, brilliantly fresh matcha iced tea drink is ready.

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Customer Reviews

Based on 6 reviews
Simo K.
Huonoa matchaa

Kitkerää ja ruman väristä. Kannattaa ostaa laadukkaampaa japanilaista matchaa tai vaikka kunnollista vihreää teetä mieluummin.

merja puumalainen
Todella hyvä!

Mistä löytyisi pieni vispilä ,jota mainoksessa käytetään oikea oppisesti valmistuksessa?

Maija Oksanen

Matcha kiinalainen luomu 40g

Marjaana Siivola
Olen tyytyväinen

Eka kertaa ostin Matcha-teetä. Hyvänmakuinen. Mukava aloitus aamulle.

Päivi Salminen
Hyvä perusmatcha jokapäiväiseksi juomaksi, edullinen kilohinta

Päädyin tilaamaan 25 x 40g pussin, koska kilohinta on merkittävästi isoja pakkauksia edullisempi valmistusmaan vuoksi. Harmi turhaa pakkausmateriaalia.