Oriental Beauty Oolong 30g

SKU: 0052


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Taiwanese oolong tea

Sweet fruity and nuanced classic oolong produced in Taiwan. The quality of the tea developed in the 19th century is made special by the fact that right before picking, grasshoppers are allowed to bite the leaves of the tea plant, which causes the plant to secrete terpenes to repel the weevils. As a result of the long oxidation, the terpenes taste particularly honey-like. Incubate at 85–100°C for 1–5 minutes. The same leaves should be boiled more than three times. With subsequent brews, the honey flavor intensifies.

Taiwanese unflavored oolong tea 100%

1tl / 2dl 85-100°C 1-4 min

Hauduta samoja lehtiä ainakin kolme kertaa lisäten haudutuslämpötilaa tai -aikaa myöhemmillä haudutuksilla.

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For us, the safety of our products and the well-being of nature are key, that's why all our tea is organically cultivated.
- Read more about our responsible production...

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Oriental Beauty Oolong

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Oriental Beauty Oolong

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