The delicious combination of ice cream and premium tea designed by Järviruusu creates a melt-in-your-mouth taste pleasure that makes your senses reconsider the possibilities created by tea.
- 2 dl of whipped cream
- approx. 1/3 can of sweetened condensed milk
- Forsman Love of Roses tea 2 bags or 6g
Pour the cream into a mug or other deep container. Dissolve 2 Love of Roses tea bags into the cream and let the mixture brew in the cold for approx. 2-4 hours. After the cream has been flavored, Siivilöi takes the cream out of the mixture and whips the whipped cream into a soft, smooth foam. Next, mix the condensed milk into the cream. Finally, put the mass in a frost-proof container and freeze for at least 12 hours. The ice cream mass should not be mixed in between. Enjoy ice cream with fresh berries.
Do you want to make ice cream with an ice cream machine? You can do that too!
See instructions here .
See instructions here .